The Baltic Notebooks of Anthony Blunt

Rupert is a project-based, trans-disciplinary and para-academic educational program based in Vilnius and starting in June, 2012.
Rupert is a research and development program, based in Vilnius and assisting young (up to 30 years old) Lithuanian citizens in realizing their projects and developing their creative careers internationally. It focuses on contemporary artistic and curatorial practices, innovative publishing, writing, design and management, yet it encourages inter-disciplinarity and does not base the selection on applicant’s academic or professional background.
So if you have an idea for a project, such as making or curating an art exhibition, writing a book or an essay, shooting a film, publishing a magazine, staging an event or designing an institution, etc., you should let us know. Rupert is the place where you can do some serious work on it and around it.
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